Workshop on the impacts of climate change in Peru

Humboldt Tipping and the Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) joined efforts to open the discussion on the impact of climate change on the Humboldt Upwelling System (HUS), its main activities, and ecosystems. The discussion took place during a virtual workshop titled “Climate Change: Socio-ecological effects and impacts on fisheries and aquaculture in Peru”.
During the event, Humboldt Tipping researchers presented their methodological approaches and preliminary results, focusing on important topics like ecosystem and bio-economic modeling, regime shifts and long-term trends in the HUS, and social sciences in the face of climate change.
The aim was to expand the research network and build stronger connections with other Peruvian academic groups to help guide future research and collaboration. By working together, the initiative aimed to increase the impact of research and support the development of strategies to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change more quickly and effectively.
The workshop demonstrated the importance of researchers, academics, organizations, and policy-makers joining forces to address climate change. Through collective action, the aim is to help conserve the HUS and ensure its sustainable future for the communities that depend on it.

Dr. Giannina Passuni
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tel. +49 40 42838 6670