Exploring the Humboldt Upwelling System: multidisciplinary workshop on ecological and socio-economic dynamics

Registration: CLOSED
note: The workshop will be primarily conducted in Spanish, but some seminars will be in English (as specified in the program).
We are pleased to announce a multidisciplinary workshop on the ecological and socioeconomic dynamics of the Humboldt Current System, organized by researchers from the Humboldt Tipping project and coordinated by Dr. Renato Salvatteci. This intensive workshop will take place from October 7 to 12, 2024.
Who can attend?
We invite early-career scientists from all fields related to marine sciences. This includes undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students. The workshop is open not only to those studying natural sciences but also to those in social sciences, economics, and related disciplines.
Workshop Highlights:
The workshop will delve into the complex interactions between natural phenomena and human activities within our ocean systems. Participants will explore a range of topics including:
- Ecosystem modeling
- Bioeconomics
- Social sciences
- Detection of critical points in time series
- Scientific communication skills (e.g., presentations, manuscript writing)
See the preliminary program and session summaries below.
The program will feature keynote lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises designed to expand your knowledge of the Humboldt Current System, enhance your practical skills, and facilitate meaningful exchanges with other researchers. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their own research and receive feedback from experienced scientists.
How to Register:
To register, please complete the registration form available here. Applications will be reviewed, and you will be notified of the outcome in September.
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Key Information:
- When: October 7-12, 2024
- Where: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Miraflores Campus and online
- Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024: CLOSED
- Participants: On-site attendance is limited to 25 slots, but online participation is unlimited
- Cost: Free (includes coffee breaks and lunch; other costs must be covered by participants or their institutions)
- Language: The workshop will be primarily conducted in Spanish, but some seminars will be in English (as specified in the program)
-Coordination: Dr. Renato Salvatteci, scientific coordinator.
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Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will receive a certificate of participation.
We encourage you to register!
For inquiries, you can contact us at: humboldttip@kms.uni-kiel.de
This workshop is offered in collaboration with the Center for Research for Integral and Sustainable Development (CIDIS) at Universidad Cayetano Heredia.
Preliminary program

Introducción a la modelación de ecosistemas (EN/ES)
- Introduction to ocean upwelling systems, marine ecosystems, and climate change (EN/ES)
- Ocean-biogeochemical modeling and ecological modeling (EN)
Dra. Mariana Hill, Dr. Stefan Koenigstein y Dr. Mathias Zeller
- Modelado ecosistémico con EwE - teoría y práctica
Alonso Del Solar, Dr. Jorge Tam, Dr. Giovanni Romagnoni y Dr. Stefan Koenigstein
-Modelado ecosistémico con OSMOSE - teoría y práctica
Dra. Mariana Hill
- Analysis and treatment of output from an ocean-biogeochemical model (EN)
Dr. Mathias Zeller
This course day is an introduction to modelling marine ecosystems, presenting different types of models from an ‘end-to-end’ perspective: from the ocean environment of upwelling systems, via their marine ecosystems, to fisheries and other human users. The course will convey some scientific background on marine ecosystems and their links to the environment, present different approaches for ecosystem modelling, including the physical and biogeochemical components, food webs as well as fisheries.
The practical sessions (afternoon) will focus on a) the food-web modelling software ‘Ecopath with Ecosim’ (EwE, run under MS Windows), b) the individual-based multi-species model OSMOSE, including fisheries simulation(run in R environment), and c) analysing and treating output from an ocean-biogeochemical model (using Python). Students need to bring a laptop for practical sessions. Instructions for installation of R and EwE (freely available) will be given before the course.
Bioeconomic modelling (EN)
Prof. Dr. Marie-Catherine Riekhof y Hanna Thordsen
The course explores the role of bioeconomic modelling in the context of fishery management. Next to ecological-economic interactions over time, we consider economic drivers of resource use, e.g. prices and costs, as well as institutional settings (e.g., open access vs perfect regulation). We discuss the impact of intergenerational discounting and the role of different management goals. In the practical session, students will apply their theoretical knowledge by basic programming in R Studio and will explore simple quantitative bioeconomic models. Finally, the course will give an outlook on current bioeconomic modelling results in the Humboldt Tipping project.
Ciencias sociales (ES)
Introducción a la metodología cualitativa: técnicas y herramientas de investigación etnográfica
Prof. Dr. Gerardo Damonte, Isabel Gonzales y Nicola Espinosa
During this session, you will discover the relevancy of qualitative research in contributing to an in-depth understanding of complex social dynamics. You will learn the basics of ethnography and its accompanying methods, and by the end of it, you will be familiar with different social science research frameworks and tools.
Gobernanza y Sostenibilidad: una mirada desde las ciencias sociales
Prof. Dr. Gerardo Damonte y María Garteizgogeascoa
In the second part of the session, you will hear about recent research from project members on governance in marine protected areas and the struggles around the legal governance of scallop aquaculture
Análisis de Redes en la Investigación de Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos
Michael Kriegl
This course introduces you to network analysis for the research and management of socio-ecological systems, focusing on how to use networks to model and unravel interactions between people and ecological components. You will learn key concepts in network analysis, such as network terminology, types, and main metrics, as well as how to use tools like R to build and analyze networks. Through practical exercises and case studies, you will gain skills to apply network analysis to real-world situations, enhancing your understanding of how socio-ecological systems function.
Análisis de series de tiempo y puntos de quiebre (ES)
Dra. Giannina Passuni
One of the major challenges of climate change is identifying systematic and long-term changes in marine ecosystems. In this context, time series analysis is crucial for detecting trends and breakpoints in environmental and biological data that reflect the impacts of climate change. In this course, you will learn the terminology and properties of time series, statistical models for interpreting temporal data and identifying breakpoints. The course combines theory and practice. Basic knowledge of R, descriptive statistics, and matrix algebra is required.
Comunicación cientifica (EN/ES)
Writing scientific papers from start to finish (EN/ES)
Dra. Mariana Hill
You did your experiments, finished your analysis and now you‘re stuck writing your paper? If you‘ve ever been in this situation, I have good news: writing can be easy and even fun! In this course, we‘ll discuss the different parts of the paper and techniques for improving your writing skills to produce clear and concise papers. We‘ll cover from how to structure sentences and paragraphs to writing a whole compelling paper, even if English is not your first language. Students are welcome to bring their own texts or ideas to work on them. A simple text processor like Word, LibreOffice or Overleaf is required for this course.
Comunicación visual de la ciencia: Cómo mejorar mis gráficas y figuras (ES)
Dra. Mariana Hill
Figures can be a very powerful way to communicate your science. In this course we will start with some theory on best practices for producing visuals for scientific publications and presentations. In the practical part, we will discuss and work on examples provided by the students. Students are required to bring a plot, diagram or graphical abstract in PDF format. A laptop with a vector editor such as Inkscape (free), Affinity Designer or Adobe Illustrator installed is also recommended.
Presentation skills (EN)
Lena Hindenberg
In the competitive world of academia and research, the ability to effectively communicate scientific findings is as crucial as the research itself. This seminar is designed to equip you with the essential skills to deliver compelling and impactful scientific presentations. So, whether you are preparing for a conference, thesis defence, or public outreach, this seminar is for you!
Manejo de proyectos de investigación (ES)
Dra. Giannina Passuni
Starting a research project, such as your master's thesis, is exciting but can also be stressful. In this course, you will learn to identify the key elements of a project, understand your role within it, and manage your time effectively. Additionally, we will identify potential risks in a project and how to handle them. This course takes a classic approach to project management and does not require any prior prerequisites.