WP1: Project Management and scenario development
PIs: Dr. Renato Salvatteci (CeOS, Kiel University), Dr. Dimitri Gutierrez (IMARPE)
Welcome to WP1, the driving force behind the Humboldt-Tipping project. We are responsible for the smooth running of the project, ensuring that results, milestones, and project objectives are achieved on time and within budget.
In addition to project coordination, WP1 is dedicated to coordinate and harmonize synthesis workshops to develop possible future scenarios for fisheries in the Humboldt Upwelling System (HUS) under the impact of climate change. This includes incorporating IPCC Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios and utilizing geological records to analyze fish stocks and their composition... an innovative approach Social and economic aspects will also be considered, acknowledging, for example, that impacts on global supply chains can influence income opportunities. All stakeholders will be incorporated in the process of constructing the HUS-SSPs scenarios.
We will also coordinate the development of an adaptation matrix, showcasing how different adaptation options, both at an individual and policy level, are likely to perform under our HUS-SSPs scenarios. This matrix, a key outcome of both project phases, will be made available to decision-makers and stakeholders.
In the second phase of Humboldt-Tipping, our focus intensifies on raising scientific awareness of the effects of global warming on the HUS. We will target several actors in the fishery sector in Peru and around the world. To achieve this, we will promote a "summer school" designed for undergraduate students and stakeholders. Drawing on the expertise of our PIs and scientists, we will develop teaching materials for the summer school and educational materials for local and international schools.
All our initiatives contribute to a broader global understanding of climate change consequences and local efforts to address them.

Dr. Renato Salvatteci
Project Coordinator
Work package 1 & WP 4
Center for Ocean and Society
Kiel University
Fraunhoferstr. 16
24118 Kiel
Tel. +49 431 880 6598
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
- Regional and global economic consequences of regime shifts in fish

Dr. Dimitri Gutierrez
Senior Scientist
Work package 1 & WP 2
Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE)
Esquina Gamarra y General Valle S/N
Chucuito Callao
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
- Assessment of risk, trade-offs and uncertainty for management

Dr. Henrike Mütze
Project Assistance
Work package 1
Center for Ocean and Society
Kiel University
Fraunhoferstr. 16
24118 Kiel
Tel. +49 431 880 6599
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
- Project administration

Lena Hindenberg
Science Communication
Work package 1
Center for Ocean and Society
Kiel University
Fraunhoferstr. 16
24118 Kiel
Tel. +49 431 880-6700
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
-Science communication and project management

Dr. Sophia Kochalski
Postdoctoral Researcher
Work package 1
Center for Ocean and Society
Kiel University
Fraunhoferstr. 16
24118 Kiel
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
- Scenarios development

Dr. Heike Schwermer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Work package 1
Center for Ocean and Society
Kiel University
Fraunhoferstr. 16
24118 Kiel
Working field within Humboldt Tipping:
- Scenarios development