New short film online about coastal fisheries in Peru

What do you need to prepare the national dish of Peru, the famous and tasty Ceviche? A squeeze of lime and - of course - a wide variety of the freshest seafood! This seafood is provided by artisanal fishers who go out every day with their boats, hooks and nets to catch a diversity of fish and shellfish along the Peruvian coast. They are the first link in an important value chain that ensures that healthy food from the sea reaches the plates of people all over Peru and abroad.
But, climate change, environmental instability and an increasing demand for seafood are putting this system under pressure. Scientists warn that - in the long term - the ocean off the coast of Peru could lose its productivity and richness, as well as its ability to provide services to our society. In the end, the nets of fishers could be left empty and Ceviche, the famous Peruvian national dish, may look completely different.
Find the movie on our youtube channel in a Spanish, English and German version:
For further information please contact:
Center for Ocean and Society
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Neufeldtstraße 10
24118 Kiel