New Humboldt Tipping short clip on youtube

The Humboldt Current with its upwelling system at the coast of Peru is, in terms of fishing catches, the most productive system in the world. Aside from Anchovy and other fishery resources, it is home to many differing species forming an abundant food web. Food webs change over time. For example, marine animals can appear or disappear from ecosystems, depending on living conditions shaped by temperature, oxygen or other factors. To understand these changes, scientists monitor ocean conditions and analyse a lot of different data.
Scientists want to understand the changes in marine ecosystems which the future will bring. They are testing these future scenarios not in the actual ocean, but with computer models. These models can be used to simulate the mentioned changes and can help in developing suitable adaptation measures. This way, scientists can work hand in hand with local fishers, communities and other professionals to help protect and sustainably use the ecosystem in the future.
Finde the movie on our youtube channel in a Spanish, English and German version:
For further information please contact:
Center for Ocean and Society
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Neufeldtstraße 10
24118 Kiel